The benchmark Sims is releasing Update for Falcon BMS
News about Falcon BMS.
Falcon BMS 4.37.4 – Hotfix 1
Hotfix 1 for Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 4 is out. Grab it through your updaters!
Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 4 is out
BenchmarkSims is proud to offer the latest release of Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 4
Falcon 4.37.4 (Update 4) Trailer Video
Trailer video for Falcon BMS 4.37.4 Update 4
Celebrating F-16 Fighting Falcon 50 years Anniversary
The first flight of the F-16 dates from 50 years back. Let’s celebrate it from the Falcon BMS Team.
Falcon 4.37.3 Hotfix 2 is out
Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 3 hotfix 2 is out to fix a couple issues reported by the community.
Falcon BMS 4.37 U3 Hotfix 1 ( is out!
Hotfix 1 for Falcon BMS 4.37 U3 is realeased to fix a couple blocking issues!
Falcon BMS 4.37.3 (Update 3) is out!
The benchmarksims team is happy to present the latest update for 4.37.
Enjoy all the updates mostly focused on the F-15C and new 3D format!
Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 2 released!
Benchmarksims is proud to announce that Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 2 is out!
Falcon BMS 4.37.1 released!
The Benchmarksims team is proud to release the first update of Falcon BMS 4.37.