Falcon BMS 4.35 U2

Here is the changelog from Falcon BMS 4.35.1 to 4.35.2

Generic Information & Known issues:

— The build number string in the Falcon UI will read "4.35.2 (x64) Build 23835" after the update.

— The shortcuts in the start menu and on your desktop will NOT be renamed to U2, they will still read "Falcon BMS 4.35" after the update, feel free to rename them manually.

— The following change log is by no means complete. Its purpose is to give you a quick overview about the highlights. You can expect tons of smaller tweaks and fixes.

— If you have any questions or found bugs regarding the change log items please always! reference the revision number, e.g. "(r12345)".

— Note: None of the manuals have been updated yet. The 4.35.1 manuals remain valid.

File Updates:

- Falcon BMS.cfg     [color][b]YES[/b][/color]
- IVC Client.ini    [color]NO[/color]
- RTTClient.ini     [color]NO[/color]
- RTTServer.ini     [color]NO[/color]
- Key Files         [color]NO[/color]

- Note: Please [b]always [/b]update the files manually. [b]Don't copy paste![/b]

Table of content:

01\. CTD fixes
02\. Falcon BMS.cfg changes
03\. Shared Memory changes
04\. Tool updates
05\. Key File & Input fixes & updates
06\. Multiplayer fixes & improvements
07\. ATC fixes & improvements
08\. Weather fixes & improvements
09\. Various code fixes & improvements
10\. Various data fixes & improvements

01\. CTD fixes:

- Fixed CTDs related to gndai. (r23563)
- Fixed CTDs after map erase, iterator is invalided for that position. (r23591)
- Avoid dangling pointer after deleting pn->subPartData. (r23592)
- CTD fix when pilot nid is above hardcoded 686\. (r23637)
- Fixed gndai waypoint CTD. (r23646)
- CTD fix in the whole ATC state machine, rule out helos from ATC entirely. (r23681)
- CTD fix in landme (null ptr check). (r23702)
- Locked simloop UpdateATC, since this can be called from campaign thread (race condition CTD). (r23765)
- Fixes alpha CTD due to different viewports. (r23432)
- Fixes nullptr PAKmap CTD. (r23348)
- CTD fix, related to nullptr insertion of GroupDrawLists. (r23356)
- Fix for pure virtual CTDs. (r23389)
- Tons of other CTD fixes.

02\. Falcon BMS.cfg changes:
- Added missing lines in the Falcon BMS.cfg (r14319):
  * set g_nRespawnTimeforStuckAI (default 6 minutes). ReagTimer and DeagTimer adjusted accordingly.
  * set g_bHostDisableP2pForDubiousConnections (default 0/false). Should be activated for large MP events.

- U2 *does* replace your existing config file. Do *not* make a backup! 
- Instead, re-configure from scratch based on the new file, otherwise you'll miss new config options.

03\. Shared Memory changes

04\. Tool updates
- Fixed the BMS Editor 'Model Viewer' (r23421)

05\. Key File & Input fixes & updates

06\. Multiplayer fixes & improvements

07\. ATC fixes & improvements

- Make sure DigitalBrain rWindex is aligned with the ATC / Airbase in the whole landme function. (r23681)
- ATCMsg is missing a break statement. In case of lParked, info can be destroyed and default case will access it.
- Fix for ATCBrain::GetOppositeRunway (r23629)
- pointer in ATCBrain::ProcessQueue() gets deleted twice. (r23652)
- Fix in ATCBrain: Pointer nextTakeoff may become dangling during function. (r23660)

08\. Weather fixes & improvements

09\. Various code fixes & improvements:

Note: The following changes may include data & 3ddb updates as well.

- Fixed ground Units not reaggregating and memory corruption as well. (r23506)
- Fixed ObjectLOD races -> missing cockpit and model problems. (r23562)
- Fixed repairing code in campaign thread. It will now send a message to SimLoop thread and all clients to repair the given feature. (r23564)
- Fix Squadron stores ressuply when aircraft are coming back home. (r23580)
- Added critical section during ObjectLOD::Unload.This can avoid a leak, in the case of unload/load/unload sequences. (r23593)
- Fix for out of bounds access in the O_Output WordWrap function. (r23606)
- Prevent accessing the team array out of bounds. (r23607)
- Avoid buffer overflow write, which caused memory corrupption in SetAcLoadout. (r23611)
- Fixed TGP being blocked after loosing a flight element. (r23611)
- When movieClose is called, we can release the surface twice, causing undefined behavior. (r23621)
- BaseBrain lastTarget is not referencing the object it points to. As a result, it may become dangling when targetPtr is dereferenced. (r23627)
- Fixed UI_UpdateOccupationMap (r23637)
- Fixes deadlock due to ArrestorDraw. (r23639)
- Fix for SimVehicleClass::Sleep is not nulling death message. (r23661)
- Make sure to call ClearTarget on SimBrain destructor, to avoid leaks. (r23664)
- Fix for Weapon fire msg is converting helicopter to aircraft. (r23665)
- Fixed overruns within the 3D-interpolationfunction (MissileClass::GetRMax, GetRneMax and GetRopt)when it tries to access the assumed 3D-data. (r23692)
- Added precondition checks and fixes in 1, 2 and 3D-interpolation function. (r23693)
- Fixed bogus values being read outside the data table array. (r23693)
- Fixed memory leak in SimWeapon::launcher. (r23718)
- Fixed bad cockpit text drawing outside Start and Finish frame. (r23726)
- Fixed memory corruption in CameraDrawList. (r23727)
- Fixed zero devision in GetRMax. (r23736)
- Fix to avoid deleting any waypoint from SimVehicleClass which is shared with gNavigationSys waypoints. (r23737)
- Avoid dispatcher races (UI and campaign for example) when leaving campaign or 3d (depending on game type). (r23739)
- Added Copy paste functionality in edit box and chat command line. (r23755)
- AIM120 fixes: That makes MADDOG shots a defensive of WVR mode as expected. (r23761)
  * MADDOG : goes active as soon as off the rail and scan with a limited range capability
  * MADDOG : does not loft anymore since has no information on range when fired
  * HOJ : HOJ is only capable when the missile went active
- Fixed AI reacting to missile too early when missile was in HPRF instead of MPRF. (r23762)
- Fixed out of bounds fix in ooutput: when SetText is called on an existing O_Output. (r23770)
- Fixed Terrain loading race. (r23774)
- Fixed Shadow map was not being cleared after sundown. (r23792)
- Fixed race possibilities while exiting campaign/TE. (r23795)
- Fixes nan values due to InJetWash computation. (r23435)
- Fix Heat Blur positioning and velocity when aircraft is in Idle. (r23401)
- Fix heat Blur not oriented correctly with vectoring thrust. (r23401)
- And many, many more.

10\. Various data fixes & improvements:

Note: The following changes may include code & 3ddb updates as well.

- Updated ambiant light since we have real moon now. (r14084)
- Fixed TracersGreen and TracersRed missing alpha channel. (r14141)
- Fixed Al-Tariq bomb : mimic the GBU-54 instead of the GBU-12\. (r14142)
- Fixed F18 series totally out of control while landing. (r14186)
- F-16 Cockpits updated. (r14333)
  * Made flight control stick move (very little)
  * Fixed seat adjustment switch. Now it has the washer and jam nut on the sidewall to hold the switch.
  * Added more switches on the 2 seater F-16s for more real life accuracy.
  * Textures updated.
- Fixed JFS Start does not work in all non F-16 cockpits. (r14339)
- Fixed Unit Flight's element for ASW, ECM, Recon and Tanker types. (r14340)
- Updated American F-16 CCIP pit avionics panel to the more correct panel. (r14347)
- Fixed RSAF F-16 IFF panel. Digits were not working. (r14347)
- Fixed F-16 Sufa cockpit. Changed from Aux Comm to IFF panel. (r14350)
- Cleaned up some texture misalignments on the night lighting and missing backlighting in some areas of some cockpits. (r14360)
- Disabled the MAP switch on the PXIII F-16 since it is not used. GPS switch now moves instead of the GPS and MAP switch. Hotspot updated. (r14360)
- Fixed Sufa Altimeter (6 digit). Was only showing 1/2 the digits. (r14360)
- Fixed ALS for Kimhae RWY 36R that had one element in the middle of the Taxiway A. (r14365)
- Updated shaders. (r14370)
- All Hotas Basic key files are now available in the UI Controllers Setup "Load Keyboard". (r14375)
- Fixed F-16 EAF incorrect AGM65G loadout. (r14377)
- Various Texture updates.