Falcon BMS 4.36.0

General list of affected assets

(4.35 -> 4.36)
LogbookYesNo changes in format. transfer possible
Falcon BMS.cfgNoPlease use Falcon BMS User.cfg for persistent changes
*.key files (keyboard and joysitcks)Noadded new keys and removed old
IVC ClientNoIVC configuration changes to support audio balance and more
RTT RemoteYesNo changes
*.ini files in User folderNoNot compatible
DeviceSorting.txt (joystick order)YesCompatible
3D Database (Objects & Textures)LimitedNo changes in formats but many objects, textures and index were changed…
Falcon BMS DatabaseNoFeatures added that make XML files incompable
Campaign *.cam / *.tac / *.trnNoformat updated to 108 (use Mission commander to convert)
Weather *.fmapNoChanges in weather depiction (could work but still)
Theater build assets (TerrData Terrain & Textures)YesTheater format and assets are compatible
Sound TableNoToo many changes
Cockpit ArtYesNo changes in format
UI definition filesLimitedNo changes in format (be careful with updates for new features)
DocumentationLimitedChecklists and Dash -1 from Falcon BMS 4.35 remain applicable (please check WIKI page)

3D Changelog

New / updated

- New details and fixes for all new airbases: RKNN - RJOI - RKJJ - RKJK - RKPK - RKPS - RKSM - RKSO - RKSW - RKTI - RKTN - RKTY - ZKTS – ZKUJ.
- New static assets for KTO
- New / updated ground units 3D assets (M901 ITV, 61-K Gun, M60A3, Skyguard Radar, MDK-2M, M117, BL-755, AS-34, M88A2, Gwanggaeto CLS, M109, 
- New / updated plane skins or 3D models (Mirage F1, MQ-9 Reaper, Ka-52, F-4, F-16, A-50, Su-35, CH-53, B-52G, B-52H, OH-58D, U-2, J-20, Yak-38, C-17, F-104, WD-1, MV-22, IL-76/78, Jaguar A)
- New pylons and elements (LM-39, RPL-35 and RPL-201, R Su-35SK Hard AA, RPL-35-AA tank)
- New weapons (AGM-65E, AGM-65L, PL-15, YL-12, YL-14, AS-30L) 
- F-16 Cockpits light panels updated for new light code
- New external lights added to compatible planes
- New Basket air refueling models and pods


- Cockpit fixes (M2000 all variants, AV-8B, F-18)
- F-16 Cockpits misc. updates (all variants)


- Old plane cockpits removed (F-22, F-14)

Data Changelog

Campaign / Tactical Engagement

- Validac.dat removed to be replaced by XML file (InvalidAcTypes.XML -> List of non-available plane types)
- TvT campaign refactored
- station+ils.dat updated
- Updated ATC sounds for some airbases (some airbases pronunciations have changed to match real life)
 -- Choongwon AB => Jungwon AB (RKTI)
 -- Chongju AB => Cheongju AB (RKTU)
 -- Kangnung AB => Gangneung AB (RKNN)
 -- Kimhae Airport => Gimhae Intl Airport (RKPK)
 -- Kimpo Airport => Gimpo Intl Airport (RKSS)
 -- Kunsan Airbase => Gunsan Airbase (RKJK)
 -- Kwangju AB => Gwangju AB (RKJJ)
 -- Nachodka AB => Uglovoye AB
 -- Taegu AB => Daegu AB (RKTN)
 -- Sachon AB => Sacheon AB (RKPS)
 -- Yechon AB => Yecheon AB (RKTY)
 -- Wonsan AB => Kalma Airport (ZKWS)
 -- Pyongtaek AB => Pyongtaek AAF (RKSG) - Named "A-511 Camp Humphreys" in Jeppesen and DOD.
 -- Shenyang Airbase => Shenyang Beiling Airbase
 -- Sunch'on Airbase => Sunchon Airbase (ZKSC)

- ATC file fixes
- Added and fixed multiple training missions
- Camo.cfg removed to be directly managed in cam / tac files
- New airbases in Japan/South Korea (Hiroshima, Incheon, Iwami, Muan, Tsushima, Yangyang)
- New terrain textures layers
- Fixed ZSU 23-4 ring in PPT.ini
- New PPT.ini entries
- Objectives names now saved in TE or campaign file (wch / idx files in campaign folder)
- Updated KTO weather maps (for 31 days instead of 17)
- Campaigns triggers fixed for: Win, Loose, Timeout, Stalemate
- Updated UI map


- New sounds for external elements (Chaff/Flare, AB, Gear, Wind, …)
- New cockpit callbacks (key file updated)
- Fixes for many ground and sea units radars and symbols
- Fixes on AG missiles and bombs data
- Database cleanup to free up slots
- HAD/HAS complete rework (symbols)
- Fixed WASP landings
- Many Planes loadouts corrected / adjusted
- Some flight models fixed / added (F1-CT, MQ-9, Su-35, Rafale C, F-104, MV-22, F-4, Jaguar A)
- Many missiles and weapons FM files updated
- New Afterburner detent click in cockpit (set g_bAfterburnerDetentClick)

Art / Effects
- New system (MFD + HUD) font
- Fixed Heat blur effect
- Improved burning effect
- Improved BLU-107 effects

Code Changelog


- Performance improvements
- Multiple stability fixes
- Multiple code « races » fixed (freeze and crash)
- Multiple BMS editor fixes and improvements
- Adding in avionic editor new MMC features
- Added capacity for more DX keys per device (g_nButtonsPerDevice : from 32 to 128)

- Customization of rotary switches:
  -- g_nIntuitiveSwitches  1 invert the switches norm for the left cockpit panel , which means for left panel , left click down , right up ; and right panel left up , right down...
  -- g_nIntuitiveSwitches  2 allows to invert totally that NORM for switches 
g_nInvertRotaries  1 .
  -- Allow inversion of the norm for all rotaries which becomes then Left click anticlock-wise, right click clockwise 
  -- Default is g_nInvertRotaries 0, g_nIntuitiveSwitches 0

- Adding a factor named g_f3DPitButtonDetectFactor to make the cockpit mouse anchoring a little more tunable to help when screen res is high and/or head trackers are set on higher rates etc.
- Change in g_bNoAiForHumanControlledSqd behavior

For human controlled squadron:

AI is now able to spawn, taxi and take off, however, they will abort and land immediately if no player has taken a seat after takeoff.

if a player is leaving an aircraft, AI will take over and bring back the aircraft to base (force RTB) and will not engage.

- Multiplayer Fog of war: (g_bFogOfWarSave)
If Set to 1, a client can save only the units of his team or allied, and the enemy spotted units

- ACMI improved (compilation vastly improved and size limit removed in UI)
- Tanker remains hosted on HOST instead of being handed over to clients during refuel in MP
- Added a “Falcon BMS User.cfg” that will supersede “Falcon BMS.cfg” parameters
- MP connectivity: (client can now specify a different port IPv4:port or IPv6:port for both BMS and IVC – BMS Host will need to set: g_nServerPort)
- g_CalibrationHg setting is now MP transferred.
- IVC updated (now supports 96 clients and UHF / VHF offset to right or left possible)
- RTT Remote update for optimizations
- New OFM ground handling code
- Possible to change loadout in UI if flights already in 3D (fix)
- Increased MP data block size transfer

Game Engine

- Multiple Campaign engine fixes
- Ground units behavior changes (more aggressive in offensive posture)
- Improvements to naval operations
- Improvement in ground unit self-defense towards missiles
- Multiple MP packages / flights creation and deletion issues fixed
- Added pilot “G Training” model for pilots (TE and campaign but disabled in dogfight - g_bEnableGtraining)
- Multiples ATC fixes (loops and crashes)
- ATC improvements for traffic handling
- ATC weather information improvements (Text to speech)
- Prevent AI waste of missiles on dead targets
- JTAC Implementation (See docs for more information)
- Improved Airport traffic flow management
- Improved flight ATO generation in campaigns
- Fix CTD when exiting from 3D, if user does try to fly a helicopter.
- Flight disaggregation / reaggregation “bubbles” are now dynamic to adapt to long range missiles

AI Behavior

- Fix AI unable to employ Harm efficiently 
- AI now evaluates clear avenue of fire before shooting
- Major Air AI improvements:
  -- Combat Comms 
  -- Target Selection routines
  -- WVR engagements
  -- Incoming missiles detection fix
  -- Separation routines
  -- Fuel Management routines
  -- AG mission defensive routines
  -- Sync Bingo settings with leader
  -- AI ground Attack total rewrite (tactic for every weapon and Hi / Low profiles for at-tack)
  -- Clear avenue of fire (make sure that no friendlies are in the way)

- Fix AI Jettison AG too soon when engaged by a missile.
- Fix AI REJOIN behavior while in the tanker queue
- Improve AI rejoin speed management


- New Comms in game menu panel (new design, can be moved around and placed anywhere on screen)
- New windowed radio subtitles: Enable by setting config file variable g_bWindowedRadioSubtitles to 1.
- Allocate different targets on flight plan to flight members in recon screen
- TACAN tooltip now displayed in 2D map
- Save TACAN info for flights to the campaign/TE files.
- Team passwords in MP.

Rendering Engine

- Multiple fixes of rendering engine and 3D assets handling
- Light pollution implementation
- Fog completely reworked for better effect and rendering
- Global Improvement for weather code
- Clouds now cast rain (Shower cumulus)
- Fixed LOD computation in POOR or INCLEMENT weathers
- Better sky lighting color transition
- ICP and MFD buttons press logic reworked
- Light strobe effect on clouds
- New aircraft burn effects
- New “TOP GUN” internal view layout
- Pre-tinted HUD (set g_bHudViewCanopyTint 0)
- Smart scaling reworked
- New IR shaders for better units on terrain IR visibility


- LGB, JDAM, WCMD bombs reworked for better trajectory compute
- Bomber attack bays open / close shared in MP
- TFR Fix and improvements
- Anti-skid / Breaking logic reworked
- Fix for wind effects to weapons and computation
- New external plane lights code (support for strobe, formation, tail, A/R refuel trap)
- Drogue / Basket Air Refuel support (KC-10, KDC-10, KC-135R, KC-135E, C-160R, IL-78)
- New MFD time format to 000:00
- RWR reworked for better display accuracy
- FLCS improvements
- Anti-Ice improvements
- Open VHF frequency from 30 000 Mhz to 61 000 Mhz
- UHF intra-flight implementation
- Changed Caution Light behavior
- For F-16, after landing only fully open the speed brake if the nose is down

- Hung store implementation:
For weapons with time to pickle, if the pickle is un-pressed before the release, there is a 30% chance the weapon will be stuck. HANG stores will be displayed afterward if another release is attempted.

- Reduce RWR range accuracy for missile detected

- Store-Jettison Page:
  -- S-J upgrade is now acting as a main master mode, configurable via DTC.
  -- S-J cannot be access in DGF/MRM overrides but SJ selection is memorized and displays when cancel DGF/MRM override
  -- S-J cannot be access during BIT test 
  -- S-J cannot be access in WOW or Right Main Landing Gear Down and locked unless GND JETT is selected

- New DECLUTTER for FCR AA and FCR AG (Fix all MFD pages for the "DCLT" Labeling)

- EM Environment upgrade:
  -- AI ability to employ correct radar AA mode depending on tactical situation: RWS / TWS / TWS soft lock / RWS SAM / RWS / STT
  -- Fix RWR bug that was always considering AI AA radar and missile radars scan and azi-muth wide opened 
  -- fix <M> spot received on the RWR of non-targeted aircraft despite Missile being active and tracking. 
  -- Be aware an AI STTing will likely no longer appear in the RWR unless actively target-ed.
  -- Fix missing <M> rwr spike in some situations
  -- Fix a bug where AI was reacting to HPRF instead of MPRF

- HMCS upgraded (A/G operations, RWR symbology, alignment procedure)
- Complete rework of gunsights modes
- AG radar improvement and fixes (MFD rendering, Radar scan reworked)
- GM and SEA Radar improvement (displays static objects but moving vehicle as well)
- VIP and VRP mode rework


- AGM-88 reworked (New DED Tables, added DTC page, improved HUD, battery time)
- AGM-65L implemented (Early implementation of Laser guided mavericks)
- AAA rework (ammunition time of flight, accuracy)
- Maverick multiples fixes and improvements
- AA Missiles logic and homing radar logic completely reworked for better realism (Fox3)