General list of affected assets
Asset | Compatiblility (4.35 -> 4.36) | Comments |
Logbook | Yes | No changes in format. transfer possible |
Falcon BMS.cfg | No | Please use Falcon BMS User.cfg for persistent changes |
*.key files (keyboard and joysitcks) | No | added new keys and removed old |
IVC Client | No | IVC configuration changes to support audio balance and more |
RTT Remote | Yes | No changes |
*.ini files in User folder | No | Not compatible |
DeviceSorting.txt (joystick order) | Yes | Compatible |
3D Database (Objects & Textures) | Limited | No changes in formats but many objects, textures and index were changed… |
Falcon BMS Database | No | Features added that make XML files incompable |
Campaign *.cam / *.tac / *.trn | No | format updated to 108 (use Mission commander to convert) |
Weather *.fmap | No | Changes in weather depiction (could work but still) |
Theater build assets (TerrData Terrain & Textures) | Yes | Theater format and assets are compatible |
Sound Table | No | Too many changes |
Cockpit Art | Yes | No changes in format |
UI definition files | Limited | No changes in format (be careful with updates for new features) |
Documentation | Limited | Checklists and Dash -1 from Falcon BMS 4.35 remain applicable (please check WIKI page) |
3D Changelog
New / updated
- New details and fixes for all new airbases: RKNN - RJOI - RKJJ - RKJK - RKPK - RKPS - RKSM - RKSO - RKSW - RKTI - RKTN - RKTY - ZKTS – ZKUJ.
- New static assets for KTO
- New / updated ground units 3D assets (M901 ITV, 61-K Gun, M60A3, Skyguard Radar, MDK-2M, M117, BL-755, AS-34, M88A2, Gwanggaeto CLS, M109,
- New / updated plane skins or 3D models (Mirage F1, MQ-9 Reaper, Ka-52, F-4, F-16, A-50, Su-35, CH-53, B-52G, B-52H, OH-58D, U-2, J-20, Yak-38, C-17, F-104, WD-1, MV-22, IL-76/78, Jaguar A)
- New pylons and elements (LM-39, RPL-35 and RPL-201, R Su-35SK Hard AA, RPL-35-AA tank)
- New weapons (AGM-65E, AGM-65L, PL-15, YL-12, YL-14, AS-30L)
- F-16 Cockpits light panels updated for new light code
- New external lights added to compatible planes
- New Basket air refueling models and pods
- Cockpit fixes (M2000 all variants, AV-8B, F-18)
- F-16 Cockpits misc. updates (all variants)
- Old plane cockpits removed (F-22, F-14)
Data Changelog
Campaign / Tactical Engagement
- Validac.dat removed to be replaced by XML file (InvalidAcTypes.XML -> List of non-available plane types)
- TvT campaign refactored
- station+ils.dat updated
- Updated ATC sounds for some airbases (some airbases pronunciations have changed to match real life)
-- Choongwon AB => Jungwon AB (RKTI)
-- Chongju AB => Cheongju AB (RKTU)
-- Kangnung AB => Gangneung AB (RKNN)
-- Kimhae Airport => Gimhae Intl Airport (RKPK)
-- Kimpo Airport => Gimpo Intl Airport (RKSS)
-- Kunsan Airbase => Gunsan Airbase (RKJK)
-- Kwangju AB => Gwangju AB (RKJJ)
-- Nachodka AB => Uglovoye AB
-- Taegu AB => Daegu AB (RKTN)
-- Sachon AB => Sacheon AB (RKPS)
-- Yechon AB => Yecheon AB (RKTY)
-- Wonsan AB => Kalma Airport (ZKWS)
-- Pyongtaek AB => Pyongtaek AAF (RKSG) - Named "A-511 Camp Humphreys" in Jeppesen and DOD.
-- Shenyang Airbase => Shenyang Beiling Airbase
-- Sunch'on Airbase => Sunchon Airbase (ZKSC)
- ATC file fixes
- Added and fixed multiple training missions
- Camo.cfg removed to be directly managed in cam / tac files
- New airbases in Japan/South Korea (Hiroshima, Incheon, Iwami, Muan, Tsushima, Yangyang)
- New terrain textures layers
- Fixed ZSU 23-4 ring in PPT.ini
- New PPT.ini entries
- Objectives names now saved in TE or campaign file (wch / idx files in campaign folder)
- Updated KTO weather maps (for 31 days instead of 17)
- Campaigns triggers fixed for: Win, Loose, Timeout, Stalemate
- Updated UI map
- New sounds for external elements (Chaff/Flare, AB, Gear, Wind, …)
- New cockpit callbacks (key file updated)
- Fixes for many ground and sea units radars and symbols
- Fixes on AG missiles and bombs data
- Database cleanup to free up slots
- HAD/HAS complete rework (symbols)
- Fixed WASP landings
- Many Planes loadouts corrected / adjusted
- Some flight models fixed / added (F1-CT, MQ-9, Su-35, Rafale C, F-104, MV-22, F-4, Jaguar A)
- Many missiles and weapons FM files updated
- New Afterburner detent click in cockpit (set g_bAfterburnerDetentClick)
Art / Effects
- New system (MFD + HUD) font
- Fixed Heat blur effect
- Improved burning effect
- Improved BLU-107 effects
Code Changelog
- Performance improvements
- Multiple stability fixes
- Multiple code « races » fixed (freeze and crash)
- Multiple BMS editor fixes and improvements
- Adding in avionic editor new MMC features
- Added capacity for more DX keys per device (g_nButtonsPerDevice : from 32 to 128)
- Customization of rotary switches:
-- g_nIntuitiveSwitches 1 invert the switches norm for the left cockpit panel , which means for left panel , left click down , right up ; and right panel left up , right down...
-- g_nIntuitiveSwitches 2 allows to invert totally that NORM for switches
g_nInvertRotaries 1 .
-- Allow inversion of the norm for all rotaries which becomes then Left click anticlock-wise, right click clockwise
-- Default is g_nInvertRotaries 0, g_nIntuitiveSwitches 0
- Adding a factor named g_f3DPitButtonDetectFactor to make the cockpit mouse anchoring a little more tunable to help when screen res is high and/or head trackers are set on higher rates etc.
- Change in g_bNoAiForHumanControlledSqd behavior
For human controlled squadron:
AI is now able to spawn, taxi and take off, however, they will abort and land immediately if no player has taken a seat after takeoff.
if a player is leaving an aircraft, AI will take over and bring back the aircraft to base (force RTB) and will not engage.
- Multiplayer Fog of war: (g_bFogOfWarSave)
If Set to 1, a client can save only the units of his team or allied, and the enemy spotted units
- ACMI improved (compilation vastly improved and size limit removed in UI)
- Tanker remains hosted on HOST instead of being handed over to clients during refuel in MP
- Added a “Falcon BMS User.cfg” that will supersede “Falcon BMS.cfg” parameters
- MP connectivity: (client can now specify a different port IPv4:port or IPv6:port for both BMS and IVC – BMS Host will need to set: g_nServerPort)
- g_CalibrationHg setting is now MP transferred.
- IVC updated (now supports 96 clients and UHF / VHF offset to right or left possible)
- RTT Remote update for optimizations
- New OFM ground handling code
- Possible to change loadout in UI if flights already in 3D (fix)
- Increased MP data block size transfer
Game Engine
- Multiple Campaign engine fixes
- Ground units behavior changes (more aggressive in offensive posture)
- Improvements to naval operations
- Improvement in ground unit self-defense towards missiles
- Multiple MP packages / flights creation and deletion issues fixed
- Added pilot “G Training” model for pilots (TE and campaign but disabled in dogfight - g_bEnableGtraining)
- Multiples ATC fixes (loops and crashes)
- ATC improvements for traffic handling
- ATC weather information improvements (Text to speech)
- Prevent AI waste of missiles on dead targets
- JTAC Implementation (See docs for more information)
- Improved Airport traffic flow management
- Improved flight ATO generation in campaigns
- Fix CTD when exiting from 3D, if user does try to fly a helicopter.
- Flight disaggregation / reaggregation “bubbles” are now dynamic to adapt to long range missiles
AI Behavior
- Fix AI unable to employ Harm efficiently
- AI now evaluates clear avenue of fire before shooting
- Major Air AI improvements:
-- Combat Comms
-- Target Selection routines
-- WVR engagements
-- Incoming missiles detection fix
-- Separation routines
-- Fuel Management routines
-- AG mission defensive routines
-- Sync Bingo settings with leader
-- AI ground Attack total rewrite (tactic for every weapon and Hi / Low profiles for at-tack)
-- Clear avenue of fire (make sure that no friendlies are in the way)
- Fix AI Jettison AG too soon when engaged by a missile.
- Fix AI REJOIN behavior while in the tanker queue
- Improve AI rejoin speed management
- New Comms in game menu panel (new design, can be moved around and placed anywhere on screen)
- New windowed radio subtitles: Enable by setting config file variable g_bWindowedRadioSubtitles to 1.
- Allocate different targets on flight plan to flight members in recon screen
- TACAN tooltip now displayed in 2D map
- Save TACAN info for flights to the campaign/TE files.
- Team passwords in MP.
Rendering Engine
- Multiple fixes of rendering engine and 3D assets handling
- Light pollution implementation
- Fog completely reworked for better effect and rendering
- Global Improvement for weather code
- Clouds now cast rain (Shower cumulus)
- Fixed LOD computation in POOR or INCLEMENT weathers
- Better sky lighting color transition
- ICP and MFD buttons press logic reworked
- Light strobe effect on clouds
- New aircraft burn effects
- New “TOP GUN” internal view layout
- Pre-tinted HUD (set g_bHudViewCanopyTint 0)
- Smart scaling reworked
- New IR shaders for better units on terrain IR visibility
- LGB, JDAM, WCMD bombs reworked for better trajectory compute
- Bomber attack bays open / close shared in MP
- TFR Fix and improvements
- Anti-skid / Breaking logic reworked
- Fix for wind effects to weapons and computation
- New external plane lights code (support for strobe, formation, tail, A/R refuel trap)
- Drogue / Basket Air Refuel support (KC-10, KDC-10, KC-135R, KC-135E, C-160R, IL-78)
- New MFD time format to 000:00
- RWR reworked for better display accuracy
- FLCS improvements
- Anti-Ice improvements
- Open VHF frequency from 30 000 Mhz to 61 000 Mhz
- UHF intra-flight implementation
- Changed Caution Light behavior
- For F-16, after landing only fully open the speed brake if the nose is down
- Hung store implementation:
For weapons with time to pickle, if the pickle is un-pressed before the release, there is a 30% chance the weapon will be stuck. HANG stores will be displayed afterward if another release is attempted.
- Reduce RWR range accuracy for missile detected
- Store-Jettison Page:
-- S-J upgrade is now acting as a main master mode, configurable via DTC.
-- S-J cannot be access in DGF/MRM overrides but SJ selection is memorized and displays when cancel DGF/MRM override
-- S-J cannot be access during BIT test
-- S-J cannot be access in WOW or Right Main Landing Gear Down and locked unless GND JETT is selected
- New DECLUTTER for FCR AA and FCR AG (Fix all MFD pages for the "DCLT" Labeling)
- EM Environment upgrade:
-- AI ability to employ correct radar AA mode depending on tactical situation: RWS / TWS / TWS soft lock / RWS SAM / RWS / STT
-- Fix RWR bug that was always considering AI AA radar and missile radars scan and azi-muth wide opened
-- fix <M> spot received on the RWR of non-targeted aircraft despite Missile being active and tracking.
-- Be aware an AI STTing will likely no longer appear in the RWR unless actively target-ed.
-- Fix missing <M> rwr spike in some situations
-- Fix a bug where AI was reacting to HPRF instead of MPRF
- HMCS upgraded (A/G operations, RWR symbology, alignment procedure)
- Complete rework of gunsights modes
- AG radar improvement and fixes (MFD rendering, Radar scan reworked)
- GM and SEA Radar improvement (displays static objects but moving vehicle as well)
- VIP and VRP mode rework
- AGM-88 reworked (New DED Tables, added DTC page, improved HUD, battery time)
- AGM-65L implemented (Early implementation of Laser guided mavericks)
- AAA rework (ammunition time of flight, accuracy)
- Maverick multiples fixes and improvements
- AA Missiles logic and homing radar logic completely reworked for better realism (Fox3)